articles on the arXiv
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Central Charge in Quantum Optics"
[arXiv:2402.17114 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Alexander Hahn, Mattias Johnsson, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Strong Error Bounds for Trotter & Strang-Splittings and Their Implications for Quantum Chemistry"
[arXiv:2312.08044 [quant-ph]]
articles (refereed)
- Kenta Koshihara and Kazuya Yuasa
"Quantum Ergotropy and Quantum Feedback Control"
Physical Review E 107, 064109 (2023)
[arXiv:2303.04977 [quant-ph]]
- Kenta Koshihara and Kazuya Yuasa
"Necessity of Feedback Control for the Quantum Maxwell Demon in a Finite-Time Steady Feedback Cycle"
Physical Review E 106, 024134 (2022)
[arXiv:2205.00936 [cond-mat.stat-mech]]
- Alexander Hahn, Daniel Burgarth, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Unification of Random Dynamical Decoupling and the Quantum Zeno Effect"
New Journal of Physics 24, 063027 (2022)
[arXiv:2112.04242 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Giovanni Gramegna, and Kazuya Yuasa
"One Bound to Rule Them All: From Adiabatic to Zeno"
Quantum 6, 737 (2022)
[arXiv:2111.08961 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser Stability for Conserved Quantities in Finite-Dimensional Quantum Systems"
Physical Review Letters 126, 150401 (2021)
"Helping symmetric quantum systems survive in an imperfect world" [scimex,]
[arXiv:2011.04707 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Eternal Adiabaticity in Quantum Evolution"
Physical Review A 103, 032214 (2021)
[arXiv:2011.04713 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Quantum Zeno Dynamics from General Quantum Operations"
Quantum 4, 289 (2020)
Featured by Iulia Georgescu, Nature Reviews Physics 4, 289 (2022)
[arXiv:1809.09570 [quant-ph]]
- Paolo Facchi, Giorgio Parisi, Saverio Pascazio, Antonello Scardicchio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Phase Diagram of Bipartite Entanglement"
Journal of Physics A 52, 414002 (2019)
[arXiv:1906.01269 [quant-ph]]
- Takaaki Monnai, Shohei Morodome, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Relaxation to Gaussian Generalized Gibbs Ensembles in Quadratic Bosonic Systems in the Thermodynamic Limit"
Physical Review E 100, 022105 (2019)
[arXiv:1903.00296 [cond-mat.stat-mech]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Generalized Adiabatic Theorem and Strong-Coupling Limits"
Quantum 3, 152 (2019)
Featured by Martin Fraas, Quantum Views 3, 18 (2019)
[arXiv:1807.02036 [quant-ph]]
- Teruo Matsubara, Paolo Facchi, Vittorio Giovannetti, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Optimal Gaussian Metrology for Generic Multimode Interferometric Circuit"
New Journal of Physics 21, 033014 (2019)
[arXiv:1802.01452 [quant-ph]]
- Paolo Facchi, Saverio Pascazio, Francesco V. Pepe, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Long-Lived Entanglement of Two Multilevel Atoms in a Waveguide"
Journal of Physics Communications 2, 035006 (2018)
[arXiv:1705.01967 [quant-ph]]
- Paolo Facchi, Marilena Ligabò, and Kazuya Yuasa
"On the Derivation of the GKLS Equation for Weakly Coupled Systems"
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 24, 1740017 (2017)
[arXiv:1709.06472 [math-ph]]
- Antonella De Pasquale, Kazuya Yuasa, and Vittorio Giovannetti
"Estimating Temperature via Sequential Measurements"
Physical Review A 96, 012316 (2017)
[arXiv:1701.08531 [quant-ph]]
- Jukka Kiukas, Kazuya Yuasa, and Daniel Burgarth
"Remote Parameter Estimation in a Quantum Spin Chain Enhanced by Local Control"
Physical Review A 95, 052132 (2017)
[arXiv:1701.07399 [quant-ph]]
- Christian Arenz, Daniel Burgarth, Vittorio Giovannetti, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Lindbladian Purification"
Quantum Science and Technology 2, 024001 (2017)
[arXiv:1701.02936 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Giancarlo Garnero, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Can Decay Be Ascribed to Classical Noise?"
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 24, 1750001 (2017)
[arXiv:1609.01476 [quant-ph]]
- Tohru Ozawa and Kazuya Yuasa
"Uncertainty Relations in the Framework of Equalities"
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 445, 998-1012 (2017)
[arXiv:1606.02937 [math.FA]]
- Takaaki Monnai and Kazuya Yuasa
"Typical Pure Nonequilibrium Steady States and Irreversibility for Quantum Transport"
Physical Review E 94, 012146 (2016)
[arXiv:1603.01084 [cond-mat.stat-mech]]
- Christian Arenz, Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Vittorio Giovannetti, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Universal Control Induced by Noise"
Physical Review A 93, 062308 (2016)
"Editors' Suggestion"
[arXiv:1601.01212 [quant-ph]]
- Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, Magdalena Stobińska, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Photon Distribution at the Output of a Beam Splitter for Imbalanced Input States"
Physical Review A 93, 023845 (2016)
[arXiv:1510.01082 [quant-ph]]
- Davide Orsucci, Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, Kazuya Yuasa, and Vittorio Giovannetti
"Hamiltonian Purification"
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56, 122104 (2015)
[arXiv:1411.0316 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Vittorio Giovannetti, Airi N. Kato, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Quantum Estimation via Sequential Measurements"
New Journal of Physics 17, 113055 (2015)
[arXiv:1507.07634 [quant-ph]]
- Antonella De Pasquale, Paolo Facchi, Giuseppe Florio, Vittorio Giovannetti, Koji Matsuoka, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Two-Mode Bosonic Quantum Metrology with Number Fluctuations"
Physical Review A 92, 042115 (2015)
[arXiv:1504.03562 [quant-ph]]
- Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, Francesco V. Pepe, Golam Ali Sekh, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Phase Randomization and Typicality in the Interference of Two Condensates"
International Journal of Quantum Information 12, 1560019 (2015)
[arXiv:1410.1381 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Vittorio Giovannetti, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Exponential Rise of Dynamical Complexity in Quantum Computing through Projections"
Nature Communications 5, 5173 (2014)
[arXiv:1403.5752 [quant-ph]]
- Takaaki Monnai and Kazuya Yuasa
"Typical Pure Nonequilibrium Steady States"
Europhysics Letters 107, 40006 (2014)
[arXiv:1404.3359 [cond-mat.stat-mech]]
- Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, Francesco V. Pepe, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Interference in a Two-Mode Bose System as a Typical Phenomenon"
Physical Review A 89, 063625 (2014)
[arXiv:1404.6130 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth and Kazuya Yuasa
"Identifiability of Open Quantum Systems"
Physical Review A 89, 030302 (Rapid Communication) (2014)
[arXiv:1401.5240 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Paolo Facchi, Vittorio Giovannetti, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Non-Abelian Phases from Quantum Zeno Dynamics"
Physical Review A 88, 042107 (2013)
[arXiv:1305.6433 [quant-ph]]
- Makoto Unoki, Hiromichi Nakazato, Kazuya Yuasa, and Kanji Yoh
"A Controlled-NOT Gate in a Chain of Qubits Embedded in a Spin Field-Effect Transistor and Its Process Tomography"
The European Physical Journal B 86, 393 (2013)
[arXiv:1203.6737 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth, Giulio Chiribella, Vittorio Giovannetti, Paolo Perinotti, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Ergodic and Mixing Quantum Channels in Finite Dimensions"
New Journal of Physics 15, 073045 (2013)
[arXiv:1210.5625 [quant-ph]]
- Paolo Facchi, Giuseppe Florio, Giorgio Parisi, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Entropy-Driven Phase Transitions of Entanglement"
Physical Review A 87, 052324 (2013)
[arXiv:1302.3383 [quant-ph]]
- Rosario Fazio, Kavan Modi, Saverio Pascazio, Vlatko Vedral, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Witnessing the Quantumness of a Single System: From Anticommutators to Interference and Discord"
Physical Review A 87, 052132 (2013)
[arXiv:1201.1212 [quant-ph]]
- Antonella De Pasquale, Francesco Ciccarello, Kazuya Yuasa, and Vittorio Giovannetti
"Selective Writing and Read-Out of a Register of Static Qubits"
New Journal of Physics 15, 043012 (2013)
[arXiv:1212.4430 [quant-ph]]
- Kavan Modi, Rosario Fazio, Saverio Pascazio, Vlatko Vedral, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Classical to Quantum in Large-Number Limit"
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 370, 4810-4820 (2012)
[arXiv:1112.5830 [quant-ph]]
- Vittorio Giovannetti and Kazuya Yuasa
"Probing Cooper Pairs with Franson Interferometry"
Physical Review B 86, 115429 (2012)
[arXiv:1204.3692 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]
- Hiromichi Nakazato, Toru Tanaka, Kazuya Yuasa, Giuseppe Florio, and Saverio Pascazio
"Measurement Scheme for Purity Based on Two Two-Body Gates"
Physical Review A 85, 042316 (2012)
[arXiv:1201.2736 [quant-ph]]
- Antonella De Pasquale, Paolo Facchi, Vittorio Giovannetti, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Entanglement-Assisted Tomography of a Quantum Target"
Journal of Physics A 45, 105309 (2012)
[arXiv:1107.5545 [quant-ph]]
- Daniel Burgarth and Kazuya Yuasa
"Quantum System Identification"
Physical Review Letters 108, 080502 (2012)
[arXiv:1104.0583 [quant-ph]]
- Paolo Facchi, Saverio Pascazio, Vlatko Vedral, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Quantumness and Entanglement Witnesses"
Journal of Physics A 45, 105302 (2012)
Selected for the "Highlights of 2012" of Journal of Physics A
[arXiv:1111.5257 [math-ph]]
- Rosanna Migliore, Matteo Scala, Anna Napoli, Kazuya Yuasa, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Antonino Messina
"Dissipative Effects on a Generation Scheme of a W State in an Array of Coupled Josephson Junctions"
Journal of Physics B 44, 075503 (2011)
- Mauro Iazzi and Kazuya Yuasa
"Relevance of Bose-Einstein Condensation to the Interference of Two Independent Bose Gases"
Physical Review A 83, 033611 (2011)
[arXiv:1011.1333 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]
- Satoshi Ando, Kazuya Yuasa, and Mauro Iazzi
"Interference of an Array of Independent Bose-Einstein Condensates with Fixed Number of Atoms"
International Journal of Quantum Information 9, 431-443 (2011)
[arXiv:1104.0295 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]
- Bruno Bellomo, Giuseppe Compagno, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Distillation by Repeated Measurements: Continuous Spectrum Case"
Physical Review A 82, 060101 (Rapid Communication) (2010)
[arXiv:1010.5080 [quant-ph]]
- Mauro Iazzi and Kazuya Yuasa
"Interference of Cooper Pairs Emitted from Independent Superconductors"
Physical Review B 81, 172501 (2010)
[arXiv:0907.5161 [cond-mat.supr-con]]
- Kazuya Yuasa
"Extraction of an Entanglement by Repetition of the Resonant Transmission of an Ancilla Qubit"
Journal of Physics A 43, 095304 (2010)
[arXiv:0908.4377 [quant-ph]]
- Yasser Omar, Yuichiro Hida, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Entanglement Generation by a Three-Dimensional Qubit Scattering: Concurrence vs. Path (In)Distinguishability"
in "Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking: First International Conference, QuantumComm 2009, Naples, Italy, October 2009", edited by A. Sergienko, S. Pascazio, and P. Villoresi (Springer, Berlin, 2010), pp. 17-25
[arXiv:0901.2199 [quant-ph]]
- Kazuya Yuasa, Daniel Burgarth, Vittorio Giovannetti, and Hiromichi Nakazato
"Efficient Generation of a Maximally Entangled State by Repeated On- and Off-Resonant Scattering of Ancilla Qubits"
New Journal of Physics 11, 123027 (2009)
Top 10% downloads within a month and a half across all IOP journals
[arXiv:0909.3401 [quant-ph]]
- Bruno Bellomo, Giuseppe Compagno, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Thwarted Dynamics by Partial Projective Measurements"
Journal of Russian Laser Research 30, 451-457 (2009)
[arXiv:0909.3578 [quant-ph]]
- Bruno Bellomo, Giuseppe Compagno, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Extraction of a Squeezed State in a Field Mode via Repeated Measurements on an Auxiliary Quantum Particle"
Physical Review A 80, 052113 (2009)
[arXiv:0909.2217 [quant-ph]]
- Antonella De Pasquale, Kazuya Yuasa, and Hiromichi Nakazato
"State Tomography of a Qubit through Scattering of a Probe Qubit"
Physical Review A 80, 052111 (2009)
[arXiv:0907.5370 [quant-ph]]
- Kazuya Yuasa
"Quantum Coherence of Electrons Field-Emitted from a Superconductor: Correlations and Entanglement"
Physical Review B 80, 104516 (2009)
[arXiv:0906.4042 [cond-mat.supr-con]]
- Yuichiro Hida, Hiromichi Nakazato, Kazuya Yuasa, and Yasser Omar
"Entanglement Generation by Qubit Scattering in Three Dimensions"
Physical Review A 80, 012310 (2009)
[arXiv:0904.4762 [quant-ph]]
- Tsuyoshi Otobe, Hiromichi Nakazato, Keisuke Okano, Kazuya Yuasa, and Nozomu Hattori
"Analysis of Critical Short-Time Langevin Dynamics in Two-Dimensional φ4 Theory on the Basis of a Higher-Order Algorithm"
International Journal of Modern Physics C 20, 735-745 (2009)
- Kazuya Yuasa, Paolo Facchi, Rosario Fazio, Hiromichi Nakazato, Ichiro Ohba, Saverio Pascazio, and Shuichi Tasaki
"Entanglement of Electrons Field-Emitted from a Superconductor"
Physical Review B 79, 180503 (Rapid Communication) (2009)
[arXiv:0810.5245 [quant-ph]]
- Kazuya Yuasa, Kosuke Okano, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saori Kashiwada, and Kanji Yoh
"State Tomography of a Chain of Qubits Embedded in a Spin Field-Effect Transistor via Repeated Spin-Blockade Measurements on the Edge Qubit"
Physical Review B 79, 075318 (2009)
[arXiv:0806.1032 [cond-mat.mes-hall]]
- Antonella De Pasquale, Gianni Costantini, Paolo Facchi, Giuseppe Florio, Saverio Pascazio, and Kazuya Yuasa
"XX Model on the Circle"
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 160, 127-138 (2008)
[arXiv:0801.1394 [quant-ph]]
- Noritaka Kato, Ichiro Hirosawa, Masugu Sato, Tomoyuki Koganezawa, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Crystallographic Coherent Lengths of J-Aggregates and Their Absorption Spectra"
Colloids and Surfaces A 321, 275-280 (2008)
- Kazuya Yuasa, Paolo Facchi, Hiromichi Nakazato, Ichiro Ohba, Saverio Pascazio, and Shuichi Tasaki
"Lateral Effects in Fermion Antibunching"
Physical Review A 77, 043623 (2008)
[arXiv:0706.2335 [quant-ph]]
- Hiromichi Nakazato, Kazuya Yuasa, Benedetto Militello, and Antonino Messina
"Estimation of the Repeatedly Projected Reduced Density Matrix under Decoherence"
Physical Review A 77, 042114 (2008)
[arXiv:0711.2751 [quant-ph]]
- Benedetto Militello, Kazuya Yuasa, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Antonino Messina
"Oscillations of the Purity in the Repeated-Measurement-Based Generation of Quantum States"
Physical Review A 77, 042109 (2008)
[arXiv:0803.1965 [quant-ph]]
- Benedetto Militello, Kazuya Yuasa, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Antonino Messina
"Influence of Dissipation on the Extraction of Quantum States via Repeated Measurements"
Physical Review A 76, 042110 (2007)
[arXiv:0706.2111 [quant-ph]]
- Rosanna Migliore, Kazuya Yuasa, Marina Guccione, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Antonino Messina
"Diffusion and Transfer of Entanglement in an Array of Inductively Coupled Flux Qubits"
Physical Review B 76, 052501 (2007)
[arXiv:0707.1805 [cond-mat.supr-con]]
- Kazuya Yuasa, Kosuke Okano, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saori Kashiwada, and Kanji Yoh
"State Tomography of Layered Qubits via Spin Blockade Measurements on the Edge Qubit in a Spin Field-Effect Transistor Structure Embedded with Quantum Dots"
AIP Conference Proceedings 893, 1109-1110 (2007)
- Kazuya Yuasa, Shuichi Tasaki, Paolo Facchi, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Nakazato, Ichiro Ohba, and Saverio Pascazio
"On the Assumption of Initial Factorization in the Master Equation for Weakly Coupled Systems II: Solvable Models"
Annals of Physics 322, 657-676 (2007)
- Shuichi Tasaki, Kazuya Yuasa, Paolo Facchi, Gen Kimura, Hiromichi Nakazato, Ichiro Ohba, and Saverio Pascazio
"On the Assumption of Initial Factorization in the Master Equation for Weakly Coupled Systems I: General Framework"
Annals of Physics 322, 631-656 (2007)
- Kazuya Yuasa and Hiromichi Nakazato
"Resonant Scattering Can Enhance the Degree of Entanglement"
Journal of Physics A 40, 297-308 (2007)
- Hiromichi Nakazato, Yuichiro Hida, Kazuya Yuasa, Benedetto Militello, Anna Napoli, and Antonino Messina
"Solution of the Lindblad Equation in the Kraus Representation"
Physical Review A 74, 062113 (2006)
- Rosanna Migliore, Kazuya Yuasa, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Antonino Messina
"Generation of Multipartite Entangled States in Josephson Architectures"
Physical Review B 74, 104503 (2006)
- 加藤徳剛・湯浅一哉・上江洲由晃
"斜入射X線回折法による水面上J会合体単分子膜の構造解析とその励起子吸収帯のエネルギー準位の計算" (Invited) (in Japanese)
表面科学, Vol. 27, No. 5, 258-264 (2006)
- Kazuya Yuasa and Hiromichi Nakazato
"Preparation of Quantum State through Zeno-like Measurements"
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 31, 183-184 (2006)
- Hiromichi Nakazato, Makoto Unoki, and Kazuya Yuasa
"A Purification Scheme and Entanglement Distillations"
"Quantum Information and Computing", Vol. 19 of QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis (World Scientific, Singapore, March 2006), pp. 259-273
- Kanji Yoh, Kazuya Yuasa, and Hiromichi Nakazato
"Quantum Entanglement Formation by Repeated Spin Blockade Measurements in a Spin Field-Effect Transistor Structure Embedded with Quantum Dots"
Physica E 29, 674-678 (2005)
- Kazuya Yuasa and Hiromichi Nakazato
"A Simple Scheme to Entangle Distant Qubits from a Mixed State via an Entanglement Mediator"
Progress of Theoretical Physics 114, 523-531 (2005)
- Noritaka Kato, Kazuya Yuasa, Takeshi Araki, Yoshiaki Uesu, Ichiro Hirosawa, Masugu Sato, Naoshi Ikeda, and Ken-ichi Iimura
"Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction of Merocyanine J-Aggregate Monolayers at the Air-Water Interface"
Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan 30, 117-121 (2005)
- Noritaka Kato, Kazuya Yuasa, Takeshi Araki, Ichiro Hirosawa, Masugu Sato, Naoshi Ikeda, Ken-ichi Iimura, and Yoshiaki Uesu
"Determination of a Merocyanine J-Aggregate Structure and the Significant Contribution of the Electric Dipole Interaction to the Exciton Band Wavelength"
Physical Review Letters 94, 136404 (2005)
- Giuseppe Compagno, Antonino Messina, Hiromichi Nakazato, Anna Napoli, Makoto Unoki, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Distillation of Entanglement between Distant Systems by Repeated Measurements on an Entanglement Mediator"
Physical Review A 70, 052316 (2004)
- Hiromichi Nakazato, Makoto Unoki, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Preparation and Entanglement Purification of Qubits through Zeno-like Measurements"
Physical Review A 70, 012303 (2004)
- Kazuya Yuasa, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Makoto Unoki
"Entanglement Purification through Zeno-like Measurements"
Journal of Modern Optics 51, 1005-1009 (2004)
- Kazuya Yuasa, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Tomoko Takazawa
"Purification of Quantum State through Zeno-like Measurements"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 72, Supplement C, 34-37 (2003)
- Paolo Facchi, Yoichi Nakaguro, Hiromichi Nakazato, Saverio Pascazio, Makoto Unoki, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Optimization of a Neutron-Spin Test of the Quantum Zeno Effect"
Physical Review A 68, 012107 (2003)
- Hiromichi Nakazato, Tomoko Takazawa, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Purification through Zeno-like Measurements"
Physical Review Letters 90, 060401 (2003)
- Kazuya Yuasa, Ayumi Shimoi, Ichiro Ohba, and Chuhei Oshima
"Modified Fowler-Nordheim Field Emission Formulae from a Nonplanar Emitter Model"
Surface Science 520, 18-28 (2002)
- Gen Kimura, Kazuya Yuasa, and Kentaro Imafuku
"Bifurcation Phenomenon in Spin Relaxation"
Physical Review Letters 89, 140403 (2002); 89, 169906(E) (2002)
- Gen Kimura, Kazuya Yuasa, and Kentaro Imafuku
"Stochastic Limit Approximation for Rapidly Decaying Systems"
Physical Review A 63, 022103 (2001)
- Kazuya Yuasa and Hiromichi Nakazato
"Stochastic Quantization of Bottomless Systems: Stationary Quantities in a Diffusive Process"
Progress of Theoretical Physics 102, 719-727 (1999)
articles (unrefereed)
- 湯浅一哉
数理科学 2012年3月号「量子を操る」, No. 585 (March, 2012) 14-20
- Kazuya Yuasa
"Canonical Ensemble of Noninteracting Bosonic Atoms and Interference of Bose-Einstein Condensates"
Bussei Kenkyu, Vol. 97, Number 3, 585-600 (2011)
- 湯浅一哉
数理科学 2009年2月号「発展する量子力学」, No. 548 (February, 2009) 35-40
- 湯浅一哉
"Projection Operator Method for Irreversible Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems Revisited"
Soryushiron Kenkyu, Vol. 114, Number 3, C107-C114 (2006)
articles (unpublished)
- Takaaki Monnai, Mauro Iazzi, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking via Measurement: From Bose-Einstein Condensates to Josephson Effect"
[arXiv:1405.1099 [quant-ph]]
- Kazuya Yuasa
"Derivation of Master Equations in the Presence of Initial Correlations with Reservoir: Projection Method Revisited"
- Ichiro Ohba, Yoji Aizawa, Tsuneaki Daishido, Susumu Kurihara, Kei-ichi Maeda, Hiromichi Nakazato, Shuichi Tasaki, and Kazuya Yuasa
"Proceedings of Waseda International Symposium on Fundamental Physics: New Perspectives in Quantum Physics"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 72, Supplement C (200 pages) (2003)
invited lectures
- Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche dell'Università di Palermo, Italy
March 6-8, 2012 (6 hours)
"Coherence of Cold Atomic Gases and Bose-Einstein Condensates"
- Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bari, Italy
March 17, 19, 2009 (6 hours)
"Coherence of Cold Atomic Gases and Bose-Einstein Condensates"
- Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche dell'Università di Palermo, Italy
February 28, March 2-3, 2006 (8 hours)
"Mini-Course on Open Quantum Systems"
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